Thursday 20 February 2014

The First Google Doodle Ever !

Posted by Unknown On 11:31 No comments

"The Burning Man" (First Google Doodle)

It was the festive season in America , Sergey Brin and Larry 

Page were leaving for a festival known as the "The Burning 

Man" festival for Nevada , US . But before they were leaving 

for the festival something got struck to their mind and they 

started to work on it . They brought in a simple change to 

the original Google Homepage with just adding a simple 

graphic to the original Logo depicting the burning man in 

between the letters of the Google . 

Thus Google Doodle was born !

They publicized their Search Engine at the festival showing 

people about the things that the Search Engine can do . 

Also , this started the endless streak of the Doodles , 

doodles that are a simple graphic or animation on the 

Googles Homepage that works for some time . 

   To know more 


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